Education – Mitigation


In addition to moving between home and the study place, emissions in the educational system are related to the construction and maintenance of educational facilities. Schools can have a significant impact on the energy use of future generations and a climate-friendly attitude. Finland has numerous training packages available related to climate change and its mitigation.

Maintenance of buildings and travels; greatest sources of emissions

The majority of direct climate impacts related to the educational system are created by the construction and maintenance of educational facilities and the spontaneous or arranged transportation of students to the schools. Indirectly, the most important impact of education on climate change occurs through objective, environmental awareness information aimed at the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change included in education in primary school classes at the latest

In education, objective information regarding climate change and inculcation of attitudes play significant roles in the energy consumption habits of future adults and the extent of greenhouse gas emissions they cause. As people become older, a behavioural model that is learned when young becomes practice and a mental duty similar to the voting right.

The renewed curricula in comprehensive schools and upper secondary schools already include fields that study sensible use of energy and renewable sources of energy which are necessary to mitigate climate change. Motiva Ltd's webpages focusing on energy and climate already include instructions for the following entities: energy inspection performed by students, a school's energy monitoring project and annual energy saving week in October. Schools should also utilise the "Ilman muutosta" educational material and "Ilmari" climate information pages that include the Ilmari 2009 material free of charge and the possibility to order an Ilmari climate ambassador to school.

A brochure compiled by the European Commission for schools: "You control climate change" is also an interesting part of the teaching materials aimed at schools and universities to help control climate change.

Emissions related to the teaching arrangements should also be noted

To fight climate change, eco-efficient design of schools, their sensible placement and construction in a manner that minimises climate emissions are nowadays necessary. In addition, in many cases, logistics plays a key role. Public transportation should be utilised for school journeys as much as possible, and the use of private cars be made more sensible by using carpooling for the school and hobby transports of one's own and neighbour's children and parents' engagements as much as possible.


