Video: Climate change adaptation needs flexibility and open dialogue


Uncertainties in assessment of the consequences of climate change should be taken into consideration in decision making about adaptation measures. A study was conducted about decision-making process in the City of Espoo regarding adaptation in the form of flood protection. It showed that more discussion is needed about these uncertainties in order to develop flexible solutions that perform well across a range of possible future conditions.

Interviewee: PhD Candidate Johannes Klein, Aalto University, Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics

Video length: 5:31 min

Language: English, with English subtitles

Recorded: 14.5.2014

Published: 19.1.2015

Terms of use: The video is freely usable for non-commercial purposes, such as education. website and the producer of the video should be mentioned as reference.

For courses in Finnish upper secondary schools: GE2, GE3, ENA6, ENA7 (old) -> GE3, GE1, ENA5, ENA6 (new curriculum/OPS)

Filmed by: Lauri Ovaska and Mirka Elovainio, Finnish Environment Institute

References: [1]

  • Klein, J. 2014. Embeddedness of climate change adaptation: established procedures and contending discourses for flood protection in Espoo, Finland. Local Environment ahead-of-print (2014): 1–18.


  • The content is produced in project "Ilmastonmuutos - visuaalista voimaa tiedeviestintään" (ViVoTiVi) funded by Tieteen tiedotus ry (the Finnish Society for Scientific Information).